Eastern Waste Water Treatment Plant at Channel 4 for Faisalabad


  • To avoid contamination of surface and sub soil water;
  • To improve environmental conditions in downstream areas of Maduana Drain


Raw sewage of half of the Faisalabad City is being disposed off into Ravi River through Madhuana Drain without treatment. It is causing severe environmental pollution from Faisalabad to River Ravi (above 100 km). Seepage from the drain is causing contamination of sub soil water and pollutes fresh water of River Ravi.

Present Status

MOU signed with STFA İNŞAAT A.Ş. Turkey on 7.11.15. Visit of firm for study is expected in a fortnight period.

Concerned Person

Mr. M. RIZA ARSAN, Advisor to the Board of Directors and Vice Chairman Turkey-Pakistan Business Council.

